Assisting Hands – Dana Point

Category: Senior Fitness & Nutrition

3 Good Forms of Exercise for Aging Adults

As seniors get older, sometimes it gets more difficult to find the motivation to exercise. Some activities may seem too difficult or simply too boring. However, it’s possible for aging adults to live exciting and healthy lives. Here are three great exercises for seniors.  1. Swimming Swimming can boost stamina and build muscle while posing less of a risk to...
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Common Reasons Seniors Don’t Follow Healthy Diets

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is important for people of all ages, but it can be an especially crucial factor in a senior's health and wellbeing. Not getting enough healthy food can lead to weight loss, fatigue, weak muscles and bones, depression, malnutrition, anemia, and a weakened immune system. If your senior loved one isn't eating well, there may be...
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Ways to Help an Aging Parent Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar

Nearly 15 million seniors have diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes, according to an estimate by the American Diabetes Association. Even if your older loved one doesn't have diabetes, age is a factor that increases the risk of developing issues with blood sugar management. Fortunately, there are some simple and effective ways to help your parent maintain healthy blood sugar.  Suggest Foods...
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8 Ways Seniors Can Immediately Enhance Their Health

Many of the healthy habits seniors adopt can prevent long-term illnesses and ailments, but not all of them have immediate benefits. From minor pains to lethargy, some of the issues older adults live with every day can be taken care of in just a few simple steps. Here are a few ways your senior loved one can get an instant...
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7 Key Advantages of Reduced Hospital Readmissions

Reducing hospital readmissions is a primary goal within the medical field, and seniors are one of the highest-priority populations being targeted. Reducing readmission rates not only helps hospitals open up beds for people who need them but also provides important benefits for seniors. On a personal level, your senior loved one can enjoy these advantages from not having to go...
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Top 6 Physical Activity Guidelines for Elderly People

When seniors lead sedentary lifestyles, they increase their risk of becoming overweight and developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and other conditions. However, it’s never too late to start becoming more active. The following guidelines can help older adults along the journey.  1. Consult a Physician Older adults with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or other medical conditions should consult with...
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How to Handle an Aging Parent’s Mobility Limitations

Certain lifestyle choices and preexisting health conditions can contribute to mobility limitations in seniors, which can diminish quality of life. Here are some ways to manage your aging parent's mobility limitations so he or she can anticipate a brighter future.  Use Mobility Devices Mobility devices can greatly enhance mobility. For example, if your loved one is unable to ambulate, a...
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